In the Press

Letter to members of the Hebrew University community - Campus entry August 31 2021

1 September, 2021

Dear members of the Hebrew University community,

All of us, the University’s staff and students, are continuing to prepare for the start of the 2021/2022 academic year. Thank you all for acting responsibly. This is an update regarding the need to receive the COVID-19 booster dose (the third COVID-19 vaccine shot).

Rector's Update | Spetember 2021

22 August, 2021

Dear colleagues,

I'm happy to provide a brief update, which includes mostly good news, a little consolation during these calamitous days.

Entry to the campus - Green Pass

19 August, 2021


Dear Hebrew University Students,
According to the government's decision, published today, as of Wednesday, August 18, 2021, entry to the campus for all purposes, including for taking an exam, is permitted only to "Green Pass" holders or by presenting a negative Covid-19 test conducted in the 24 hours before entry. Those who for medical reasons cannot be vaccinated may also enter, by showing a medical certificate.
For assistance, please contact the department secretariat.
Good health and enjoyable summer.
Barak Medina, Rector

Letter to the Students - The Coming academic year

5 August, 2021

Dear Students,

In the coming academic year, teaching will take place for the most part in the classrooms (subject to the government regulations), integrating pre-recorded classes and other digital components. In general, remote participation in classes that are held in campus will not be available, except for specific courses that are marked as remote-learning.  In smart classrooms, lessons will be recorded and made available for watching after the class ends (with the teacher's consent).

Rector's Update -August 2021

3 August, 2021

August 4, 2021


Dear Colleagues,

This update includes, among other things, data on student satisfaction with teaching, the success of faculty members in securing research grants from the Israel Science Foundation, and an update on our intention to change the way credits are calculated for university courses.

End of Year Update

28 June, 2021

June 28, 2021


Dear students,

Congratulations on your success in studying at a high level despite the challenges we all faced this year. Continue to do good and to be generous!

We follow the Ministry of Health guidelines and the recommendations of the Hebrew University’s team of experts, according to which, as of this date, all in-campus activities continue as usual, including exams.

Rector's Update | June 2021

28 June, 2021

June 28, 2021

Dear colleagues,

This is the final update for the 2020/2021 academic year. As usual, in this update I will report on faculty members who are retiring this year, as well as on the University’s new recruits, along with other updates.*

Rector's Update | May 2021

31 May, 2021


May 31, 2021

Dear Faculty Members,

I'm happy to share the latest updates.

Alongside the healing process of returning to routine, the challenges presented to us have taught us that our normal course of action should be improved.

Letter to the Students | May 2021

13 May, 2021

13 May 2021

Dear Hebrew University students,

Thank you for your determination to adhere to the values ​​that guide us, even during these terrible days of violence and fear.

Tolerance and Fraternity

12 May, 2021


12 May 2021

Dear Hebrew University faculty members,

Thank you for your determination to adhere to the values ​​that guide us, even during these terrible days of violence and fear.