Dear Hebrew University Community,
As of July 5th 2020, it is not permitted to hold in-class exams. Accordingly, we will apply the following policy:
1. In courses in which it was already published that the evaluation will not be based on an in-class exam, but on an alternative mode of evaluation, including a home exam and an online one, the students’ achievement will be graded as originally determined.
2. In courses that were scheduled to include an in-class exam, the exam will be held online. The exams will be graded, to determine if the student passed or failed, and the final evaluation will be pass or fail, with no numerical grade.
3. The exams in certain courses, primarily in clinical studies, cannot be held off campus, and they will be postponed. Students enrolled in these courses will be notified.
4. In general, online exams will be held via Moodle, with a Zoom video on during the entire exam period.
5. We will take measures to minimize the harm to students who will have to take online exams. Among other things, they will be allowed to take an in-class exam in the same course in the next academic year.
We wish you good health and success in the exams.
Barak Medina, Rector