This update deals with applied research, intellectual property and commercialization of knowledge in the University and specifically the changes in the arrangements concerning these topics.
1. The focus of University activity is mainly basic and theoretical research in the various fields of science. Some of the researchers also work in applied research, oftentimes collaborating with public and commercial authorities. This activity “translates” knowledge that is developed within the University to promote social welfare, and it sometimes brings in income. The HU provides researchers the freedom to choose to work in applied research and commercialization and assists them in doing so, acknowledging the scientific, social and financial importance of this activity.
2. Yissum is the Technology Transfer Company of The Hebrew University of Jerusalem. Yissum was founded in 1964 and details about the company can be found here. This is an opportunity to announce that Yaron Danieli has concluded his highly successful term as Yissum President and CEO and that Itzik Goldwasser is taking over. The policy of Yissum’s leadership, in coordination with HU’s management, is to strengthen cooperation of Yissum with HU researchers, taking active measures to locate business partners and realizing the potential of commercialization of knowledge in the University.
In the framework of allowing more commercialization and promoting applied research, the HU appointed a committee a year and a half ago to re-examine its policy with regard to Intellectual Property. The Committee produced a draft arrangement. The draft was amended following comments of the Academic Faculty Union, and the new arrangement was approved by HU management. The new policy is set in rules 15-001 on University Patents and in rules 15-011 on Cooperation between Academic Faculty, Workers and Doctoral Students with Business Partners.
The main changes made were to aid in the commercialization of knowledge and IP that evolve from University activity. The main innovation was the creation of a “safe harbor” track, to allow companies certainty in their rights (and the rights of our faculty) in the development of inventions.
I would like to remind that all connections between academic faculty and funding sources who are interested in agreements in order to conduct research, knowledge transfer or scientific services, must go through Yissum. This is mandatory for all business entities, as well as public ones. As a general rule, every faculty member’s connection with an outside factor involving payment (monetary, stocks or any other form) to a faculty member for scientific activity requires Yissum’s approval; and any connection that involves receiving a research grant requires the approval of the Authority for R & D. For further information please refer to Yissum’s CEO: or to the Authority of R & D.
I wish us all continued fruitful research to promote science and social welfare.
Best, Barak