Message to Faculty Members | Third Lockdown

7 January, 2021


Dear Faculty members,

Our academic activity continues to the extent possible. During the current lockdown period, from January 10, 2021 until further notice, we will act as follows:

  1. In the two weeks remaining until the end of the semester, instruction will be fully conducted online. The only exception is clinical instruction, which will continue to take place on campus, in accordance with the Ministry of Health guidelines.
  2. At least during the first part of the exam period, which begins on January 24, 2021, we will not be able to hold exams on campus. The heads of the academic units will be in contact with course instructors in order to coordinate the manner in which exams that were supposed to be held on campus will be conducted.
  3. Work in research laboratories will continue in a limited format. During the lockdown period, only up to 30% of the regular number of people may be present in the lab. The head of the laboratory must submit a daily report to the Associate Dean on how many people were in the laboratory on that day. In view of the relatively large number of cases of COVID-19 infections in laboratories, extreme care must be taken to observe the rules. We recommend that activity in the laboratories be reduced as much as possible during the next two weeks, and that you limit it to activity, which, if not continued during the lockdown period, would cause actual harm to the research. According to law enforcement guidelines, we do not issue transit permits.

Please avoid requiring students and staff members to do their work from campus.

Thank you for your cooperation. I wish you good health.


Barak Medina, Rector