Update regarding on campus activity policy - February 2022

6 February, 2022

Dear Hebrew University community,

The Hebrew University administration has updated our on-campus activity policy, based on the assessment that the peak of the fifth wave of the COVID-19 pandemic is over, such that a decrease in the number of infections is expected to continue in the coming days. Below are the main points of the updated policy:

1.1. Entry to campus: A person who has been found positive for COVID-19 must act in accordance with the home isolation rules set by the government, and should therefore refrain from coming to campus for any reason until permitted to conclude the isolation, in accordance with the applicable government policy. Additionally, according to the University policy, a person who is experiencing symptoms of COVID-19 (even if she has not tested positive) should not come to campus until the symptoms have passed. Rapid COVID-19 test kits are offered for sale on campus (at a nominal price of 10 NIS).

From now on, there is no longer a sweeping prohibition to come to campus for those residing with a verified COVID-19 patient. However, please exercise discretion in this matter, in order to avoid infecting others. From now one, entry to the campus is permitted even without presenting a Green Pass.

2.2. Administrative staff: At this stage, at any given time only about half of the staff members in each unit should work from campus, and the others work from home. The unit directors are authorized to allow an exception to this, for employees who recovered from COVID-19 in recent weeks, and in cases where this is necessary due to work needs. For the time being, the secretariats for teaching matters will continue to provide service to students remotely.

3.Starting Sunday, February 13th, we return to work mostly from campus, and work from home will be limited to one day in each week.

4.3. Research activities: The research activities in HUJI laboratories continue as usual, and there is no longer an obligation to limit the number of people in the research laboratories.

5.4. On-campus: The obligation to wear masks in halls (including during exams that take place on campus), laboratories and offices continues to apply. For now, we request avoid holding multi-participant meetings (other than exams). Our assessment is that the restrictions pertaining to activities on campus will be removed within about two weeks, and it is possible to plan for events that will take place on campus from February 20, 2022 onwards.

Classes in the second semester, which will begin on March 6, 2022, are scheduled to take place in the regular format, in classrooms on campus.

6.5. Exams: The exam format continues unchanged. This means that most exams will be held remotely, but the faculties may conduct exams on campus, if it is found that there is a substantive justification for this. An examination that took place remotely on the first exam sitting date can be held on campus for the second exam sitting date. The faculties should inform the students about the format of the exams.

We wish a speedy and full recovery to all those who are ill. Thank you for your hard work recently.


Best regards,

Prof. Asher Cohen, President

Prof. Barak Medina, Rector

Mr. Yishai Fraenkel, Vice President and Director General