In the Press

Exams Policy | December 2020

28 December, 2020


Dear Hebrew University Students,

Re: Exams Policy 

The Hebrew University is preparing to hold exams at the end of the first semester of the 2020-2021 academic year, in a format that will ensure the health of students and members of the administrative and academic staff, while maintaining the integrity of the exams and providing students with numerical scores.

Rector's Update | November 2020

16 November, 2020



I am pleased to update regarding developments in a variety of areas. We welcome your comments and suggestions for improvement.

1. We extend warm congratulations to two colleagues on winning important awards: Prof. Rafi Meshulam, who celebrated his 90th birthday last week, won the Harvey Award from the Technion, for his outstanding achievements in cannabinoid research, which made a crucial scientific contribution to both basic and applied research.

Greetings for the 2020-21 Academic Year

20 October, 2020


Dear Faculty members,

Wishing us all a successful academic year. This is an opportunity to thank you for your great efforts in preparing for remote teaching, for your creativity and your commitment to excellence in teaching. The ongoing increase in the students’ reported satisfaction from studying at the Hebrew University, and the additional increase in the number of students (an increase of 12% in first year students) suggest that the students also appreciate your efforts.

Rector's Update | October 2020

4 October, 2020

Dear faculty members,

In preparation for the start of the 2020-2021 academic year, below are a number of updates and suggestions pertaining to teaching, along with a few other matters. 

Online Teaching 

Rector's Update | August 2020

30 August, 2020


Greetings dear colleagues,

This is the last update for the 2019-2020 academic year. As usual, it includes a report on faculty members retiring this year (as well as an updated report on the new recruits), along with regular updates. This time, this letter is also being sent to our retired colleagues.

Rector's Update | July 2020

27 July, 2020



I would like to update you on three topics: promoting equal opportunities, research grants awarded to University researchers and preparations for the 2020-2021 academic year.

Message to the Students - July 2020

22 July, 2020


Dear students,

The 2020-2021 academic year will open on Sunday, October 18, 2020. In this letter, I wish to share with you our plans for the upcoming first semester.

Rector's Update - June 2020

3 July, 2020


Dear Colleagues, 

1. Exams—logistical aspects. The Corona epidemic has posed considerable challenges for all of us, including in the field of instruction. So far, we have met the challenges successfully, thanks to the wonderful mobilization of all our senior and junior academic staff and our administrative staff. However, the main challenge still seems to be ahead of us—the administration of exams.